Monday, December 10, 2007

A month ago I spent 3 days on retreat - at the hermitages run by the sisters of St. Francis of the Providence of God. For writing it was meant, and some writing did occur, but much more importantly was time spent resting, and walking; praying and listening. The picture above is from the cemetery owned by the sisters. These stones where 87 sisters are buried or intended for burial. Many of you know that occasionally i write poems. Some of you may have even heard one or two - thank you for your gift of listening...
Tomorrow, Dec. 11th, i am attending for the first time a casual writers group here in Wayne County, Ohio. Facilitated by a family friend who is becoming mine as well. i look forward to being in the presence of other writers, and of sharing a poem of two with them. And where this will take me, no body knows, but i'll walk that way with my soul wide open and my spirit ready to embrace the unknown.

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