Sunday, November 25, 2007

the month of november is almost coming to a close. during the summer in ely, minnesota i planned with excitement to move to cincinnati to live with my friend kerri for the winter. after returning to ohio and reconnecting with family and friends, i realized that this area is actually feeling more like 'home'. kerri and i have talked so much about rootedness, finding a place to know, building community and i was suprised to feel these things here in wayne/holmes county, ohio. the thought of packing up again for 6 months and feeling the state of readjustment for those months before heading back to ely just wasn't as exciting as i had thought - for many reasons:
1. i like mark a lot and decided that i'd like to spend regular time with him.
2. mark and i started working on a pottery studio and we're getting back into that process and i am enjoying the work and the learning, and it will be so good to have a place to throw pottery. i miss it.
3. i was able to find a part time job that fits perfectly with my work with wilderness wind and it allows me to work on building community in this place. i'll write more about my work soon. i start training on monday.
4. i'll get to see my family- siblings, parents, nieces and nephews more by staying up this way.

etc, whatever.

the weekend before thanksgiving (will i always be behind in my posts?) mark, michael (marks brother, Jim(mer) a friend and i worked in the pottery studio breaking up the old cement so that we can lay new plumbing - a floor drain and sink and a new cement floor. we invited jack the hammer and had a great time working hard. we got the floor up and out after working 3 hrs friday night and 3 hrs saturday morning.

Mary Ruth with Jack Bosch

Jimmer, Mark and Jack Bosch
working on the cement floor

Michael shoveling 'the stuff'

'the stuff' coming out the out the window
Jimmer being thrown
out the window window

a maple tree, the view from the window

onto the next....

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